We blinked…and half a year went by.
It’s been a while since our last house update around move-in time in early February.
Before I had even made my arrival, my dad read the books. He moved meetings to make the doctor’s appointments.
“Working” versus “staying at home” is a hot topic in the world of motherhood, and no two situations are the same.
I’m so excited to finally share some pics of Crew’s nursery. This room has posed a couple challenges, but it has been so much fun to pull together.
I share my list of essential items here for mamas-to-be (and those shopping for them!).
(Photo cred: Theresa Schumacher Photography)
Have you really been in our lives for a quarter of a year already? We’re approaching a whole year since we first knew you were o
…and those three little words have so much more behind them than I can adequately express.