You are officially in the home stretch to three (insert disbelief face here!).
This last quarter-year has been a dynamic one.
Photo cred: April & August Photography
It’s been an entire decade since we exchanged vows, walked up the aisle, and started married life together in a little apartment i
I’ve always loved Halloween — it’s smack dab in the middle of gorgeous, festive, fall and the costumes, treats, and traditions are all so much fun.
I always appreciate some costume idea inspiration sooner than later — so today I’m sharing Crew’s costume he’ll be donning in a few short weeks (and who ar
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If I’ve learned one thing since becoming a mama (to a garbage truck OBSESSED little boy), it’s that there’s a whole subcul
Now that Crew is two, I’ve scaled back to quarterly, rather than monthly, updates on everything from growth to preferences to all the (mostly) fun little quirks of his personal
Even before we finished swapping the nursery and the big kid room, this oh-so-big kid was begging to sleep in here.
It’s April and you’ve been two for a quarter of a year already! Most traces of “baby” are long gone and you are a super talkative and energetic little b