There was no big blowout first birthday party, but even better — we celebrated at home the four of us, and then with Papa and Mimi the following weekend. The theme was clementines and oranges and the puns ran rampant 🙂 Orange you cute?! Our CUTIE is one! Oh My Darlin’…we could just SQUEEZE you! 🙂

I made your vanilla cake and added some orange ombre to the vanilla frosting, topping it with sweet little felt orange slice toppers and a name banner I made.

Even with a small gathering, we hung allllll the balloons in pinks and oranges, and strung up your monthly flower photos for a total of twelve. Thanks to Mimi, you had the most perfect orange jammies to start your party morning in!

We made it into a double celebration of Greer + Papa, so his favorite, carrot cake, appropriately fit the color scheme as well!

You LOVED being sung to, and were especially animated about your sparkler candle. You dug into your cupcake and left very little for cleanup! 🙂

Happy first birthday to our Greer Girl! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for you this next trip around the sun!