Hello, two and a half.

I said just recently to Page, “I’m not sure when it happened exactly, but she’s really not a baby anymore.”

Breaking out in song, counting to eleven (it gets sketchy after that…), obsessed with the ABCs. Constantly swinging between wanting to be carried and coddled…and being fiercely independent.

Officially a preschooler and loving every minute – we never saw a tear, just excited to emulate her big bro and simply said, “bye mom love you!” before the car even came to a complete stop.

“Mom” has become “mommy”, potty trained, yelling “Scuse you!!” at anyone who is in her way. Loves purses, wallets, jewelry, and makeup. Cuddling dogs as much as possible, but still zero interest in babies, much preferring older kids.

Yells “I’m super!!” Whenever tackling a big physical challenge, often role playing two sides of a make believe conversation, and finally drama free to stay with a sitter!

Playing 2yo soccer and watching all the Daniel Tiger, Sesame Street, Pixar movies and Blippi. Picky as ever with eating, but still gracing our lives with a 3+ hour nap.

In short, crushing this two year old thing. <3