If you have been on Facebook recently, you’ve probably seen some of your friends doing the “25 Things” post. The idea is simple; tell 25 things about yourself, tag some people to do the same, and learn all kinds of things about the people you already thought you knew so well. It’s been so fun for me to read about friends/family and for those of you aren’t on facebook (you need to join!) here are my 25 things, at age 25. If you’re a blogger, post YOUR 25 and leave me a link in the comments – I can’t wait to read everyone’s!
Just turned 25 last week. Here are 25 things, about myself, at 25:
1. I have recently decided I want to “become a runner”. I run a little
over a mile in each workout, and am training for a 5k. I like to use
phrases like “going for a run” and “training” because they make me feel
cool and so much more hard core than I actually am.
2. I am obsessed with anything and everything yellow. (Thus the blog
name). If it comes in yellow, that will be my first choice when making
a purchase. Seriously, is there a happier color out there than yellow?
Good stuff.
3. I’m not an everyday journal-keeper, but especially when something
rough is going on, I find myself drawn back to write it out. When shit
hits the fan, my biggest encouragement comes from reading back through
old entries, and reading my own panic/stress/sadness/anger
5.I am beginning to think I have a Z’Mariks abuse problem.
6. I love COLOR, but I do hate pastels. The brighter and bolder, the better.
7. My least favorite year so far was the year of age 23 to 24. We moved
a lot and were living in a place we hated, Page was miserable with his
job, and I was stressed about how to plan a wedding. Ironically,
despite a job loss and a terrible economy, age 24-25 has been my
favorite year.
8. I love to play in Photoshop. I like to photograph but am by no means
a professional, so photoshop helps me fake it that I took that PERFECT
shot with the right color balance and exposure.
9. Everyone keeps asking when we’re having kids, or they make predictions
as to when we will start. I can save you all a lot of time – it’s not
happening anytime soon. Until the thought of parenting doesn’t send us
into total panic, or we turn 30, (whichever comes first) there will be
no belly bump. When we turned 23, we decided “five years” – it makes me
laugh that people ask now and we still say “five years”.
10. I probably own more underwear than almost anyone. I counted once
and it was well over 100 pairs. I just really, really like underwear. I
don’t think I need to justify any more than that.
11. I miss going to church and would really like to find one here to call home.
12. I’ve had the same best friend since I was ten years old. How lucky am I?
13. If money were no object, I’d be living in Orange County right now.
I would go somewhere for the week of Christmas to see snow, then right
back to my balmy 78 degree paradise.
14. After I graduated from Iowa, I moved to Charlotte, NC with just
over 2,000 dollars, no job lined up, and no real plan that extended
beyond a few days’ time. It’s funny how fast you can grow up – I would
be terrified to do that now, and am still amazed that all worked out
okay without me ending up homeless. But looking back, I’m glad I can
say I took a risk/leap of faith/whatever you want to call it. Your
twenties are the time to do that.
15. Whenever I see black and white anything – napkins, paintings,
clothing – or bright lipstick colors, I always think of my mom.
16. I swear more than I should. I really am going to work on that.
17. My “power song” on my Nike+Ipod (the one you can play instantly if
you need a boost during a workout) is Britney’s “Piece of Me”. Crazy or
not, she still kicks ass.
18. While tightening our budget lately, I’m learning there is so much
stuff I can live without. I am also learning just how much I miss all
that extra stuff. Shallow? Yep, a little bit. I like to shop and I
think if it came down to shopping versus smoking, studies would show
smoking is an easier habit to kick.
19. I kill all plants. I still can’t figure out if I’m overwatering,
underwatering, or just that all green things hate me. The only thing
I’ve kept alive is our bamboo plant, Michelangelo, and I think that’s
only because bamboo is supposed to be basically invincible.
20. I appreciate good design. And really awesome typography.
21. I have a growing obsession with Russell Crowe. I think he may replace Matthew McConaughey soon.
22. I enjoy having a boy as a roommate – although this is largely due to the fact that I still get my own bathroom and closet. I do miss
living with other girls, but not the clothes borrowing part. I never
had sisters, thus, I never learned to share.
23. I married my best friend. It’s cliche, but very true.
24. When I started this, I didn’t think I’d be able to come up with 25
things, but it’s been very fun and easier than I thought. I’ve loved
even more reading about my friends/family. I’ve learned a lot about
people I already knew so well!
25. I’m still becoming who I am. I think it will be a long time before
I finish that journey, but I’m totally down for the ride.